Intern at MM!

Every year, we at MM like to bring on university or graduate student interns to contribute to the MMovement. From sustainable operations, to graphics, to strategy, to development and building, interns have the chance to learn about the business and offer their skills and recommendations to make us even stronger than before.

With COVID-19, this year has been unique. Just as we shifted our business online, so did we with our summer internship program, creating a virtual CaMMpus for 4 interns. We are very excited to see the ideas they come up with!        APPLY


An experienced, skilled and energetic university or graduate student to provide support on various initiatives currently incubating in MM. They should demonstrate clear ability to manage tasks, priorities and time in an efficient manner. Experience in business, strategy and operations, and innovation are a plus. Most of all, a love of food and a desire to join the MMovement!


A 2-3 month internship to learn about MM company culture, experience what it’s like to work in one of our Markets, and deepen their knowledge into a specific area, linking all our work to the wider context of sustainability. Interns will gain:

  • A holistic experience of working in MM & understanding of company culture,
  • Deepened skills in a specific area of the Business,
  • Ability to link all our work to the wider context of Sustainability,
  • Enhanced personal & professional development.


Phase 1: 1 week intensive as a group

  • MODULE 1: Understanding MM Manifesto/Culture and tour of MM
  • MODULE 2: Discussion of MM team and who does what, a few come in to talk
  • MODULE 3: Setting up & running a Stall and day behind the shack…virtually speak to a TP 
  • MODULE 4: Sustainability in Food Retail & Risto (in MM)
  • MODULE 5: Basics of Project Management and how MM communication works
  • MODULE 6: Personal development project (capstone project) + project planning 

Phase 2: 7 weeks where each intern works on their day to day projects and capstone. 

  • 40% time working for a team (on specific projects/tasks for every team)
  • 50% time working on capstone project
  • 10% time weekly educational modules on sustainability, food business, and food policy run by our AcadeMMy instructors

Day to day projects: These provide the opportunity to work with a mentor in their department (Projects include creating graphics, analyzing shopify marketing, developing operations manuals, and creating lesson plans for the AcadeMMy).

Capstone project: A long-term project more focused on research and something tangible to add your resume around food policy, international expansion, and social impact.


Master of International Business, the Fletcher School

focus: strategy & social impact + regional food systems & farming

Danielle Kaidanow

Master of Global Business Administration, the Fletcher School

focus: impact investing, supply chain logistics, digital technology, and BD

Joe Dunbar

Master of Arts in Law & Diplomacy, Fletcher School

focus: sustainable business models, food & land use, engagement, and strategy

Ally Friedman



A curious sustainable agriculture student from Wagenigen University, Nico joined MM as an intern in 2019 after hearing Andrea Rasca speak at his university. Nico had an idea to design a farm on the roof and create educational activities around sustainable food and farming. After a fruitful period as an intern, he transitioned over to become a full teaMMate in 2020 and is now running our Academmy and creating engaging content on social media for our followers everyday. Go Nico!

Send your resume and cover letter explaining why you would like to intern at MM and what skills you bring to the table.                                                                                   APPLY

Join the MMovement

MM is inviting people, companies and policymakers across London, the UK and the world to join the movement to change food culture in the country. This is an open invitation for people who believe in:

Healthy, sustainable, living food made with rural, artisanal practices

Supply chains that prioritise quality over price and make good, healthy food available

The importance of community in cities across the world, starting with London